Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Threaded Discussion: 6.10.1 Presentation Tools

    The useful thing I learned in Power Point is the utilization of presentation tools. I had use Power Point in the past to give training on Army communications equipment and I was unaware of the speaker notes section so I would instead bring index cards to remember key features such as maximum effective range of SINCGARS (Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System) can reach. Although it is important to be able to present the bulk of your presentation topic without the use of slides or notes. Even though you utilize a product like Power Point consistently, there's always a new tool or tick to learn that would make it easier to do something. It's worth exploring and getting official training for sure.


  1. The 'Speaker Notes' section is the digital version of index cards :-)

    I echo your sentiment 'It's worth exploring and getting official training for sure." ^_^

  2. The speaker notes are definitely very useful when presenting and having your hands free of anything.

  3. As easy and as trendy as it has become in the Information Age to "self-study" something, it is definitely still worth the time/money (sometimes) to do an actual, structured course.

    I've gotten a ton of useful knowledge out of LabSim that I don't know I would've picked up on my own, doing a "self-study."

  4. When I got to the speaker note section, I actually pause LabSim and go try it out on my own presentation. I thought that was so cool.

  5. That note section blew me away. I always seen the notes tab at the bottom of the presentation slides when creating, but I had never even thought to click and see what it was or what it did.

  6. I agree. Before this class I thought I knew how to use the majority of the techniques on Powerpoint, but turned out I was only scratching the surface. There is so much to learn on there.

  7. I agree, presentation tools are extremely helpful.

  8. I like the speaker notes feature its more professional then having index cards

  9. I use speaker notes to practice and remember what I want to say during the presentation.

  10. The speaker notes are very helpful. I can't wait to use them in the future!

  11. Its been a while since I last presented anything, but I hate just standing behind a podium or desk on the computer. I love the TedTalk orientation where you have a clicker and you can walk around and interact with the audience.

  12. That is a cool feature. I can't wait to explore it myself.

  13. I'm not usually a fan of those speaker notes, but depending on the presentation I could definitely find an appreciation for them! They're just a nice accessibility tool I think.
