Wednesday, May 4, 2022


    I enjoy Mexican cuisine (who doesn't lol), but one of my favorite dishes is Menudo. It is a dish made with tripe which is not everyone's cup of tea. So this last week while at La Bonita picking up groceries I thought to myself, how hard could it be to just make it myself? So I bought the ingredients and went home to wash the tripe in preparation to wake up early and start cooking it. I invited my brother in law and his family over to try it. For a first time attempting the dish I was given many complements. My wife said it was good enough to sell as a side hustle. My sister in law who was visiting said that although I do not cook often, whenever I do it's really good. I've never felt much in place in the kitchen and I am very lazy about preparing meals which is why I prefer to make simple foods or eat out. I think I enjoy Menudo because I also really like Korean Hang Over Stew (Haejang-guk). My wife who is also Mexican loves Korean food and we believe that they mix well. Probably the reason why there's a few Korean-Mexican restaurants around the valley and especially in California. Has anyone tried either of these dishes? Do you like these kinds of stews? If not, what is your favorite stew or soup?


  1. I like tripe :-) I tried menudo soup in a Mexican restaurant once. It was good.

  2. Mexican and Korean food mix really well.

    A lot of times, when I make fish tacos, I use kimchi in place of slaw. Bulgogi also works really nicely on a tortilla.

    You should definitely experiment more with this.

  3. I don't know why, I never really got into menudo, but it is good when dealing with a hang over.

  4. I prefer Pozole over Menudo. My favorite is egg drop soup.

  5. I have tried Korean and it is one of my favorite Korean dishes. I don't think I've had Menudo, but I wouldn't want to because I am not a fan of tripe.

  6. I love tripe! Korean food is one of my favorites, if not my favorite cuisine!

  7. I like menudo I have had it a couple of times.

  8. Menudo isn't my favorite, I think it's because of the tripe's texture. I love pozole though, I can have that any day.

  9. I prefer pozole or caldo de res over menudo, I just couldn't get over eating tripe.

  10. Menudo is so good! I'm glad your family enjoys your cooking! Surprisingly not many people can say that haha!

  11. My mom loves Mexican food. My favorite Mexican food place is Taco Bell.

  12. Interesting! I am wondering, is there a specific tripe, or can you make it with either cow, goat, beef, pork, of lamb? Just curious.
